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세계적인 학회지인 MDPI 에서 이 규섭 원장에게 발송한 감사 서한

페이지 정보

작성자 센텀이룸 작성일24-12-13 11:14 조회125회 댓글0건


   본원 이 규섭 원장(부산대 산부인과학교실 명예교수)은 세계적인 학회지인 MDPI 에서 발표되는 

식내분비관련 논문의 심사평가자로서 학회지 출간에 기여한 공로로 감사의 서한을 받았다.


  이 규섭 원장은 지난 35년간 부산대병원 난임센터장으로 재직하였으며주 연구분야는 체외수정시술

조기폐경 및 고령 여성의 임신율 증진자궁내막증 및 자궁선근증 이다.


   아래는  MDPI  주관사인  Bioengineering 에서 이 규섭 원장에게 발송한 서한이다.

----- Original Message -----
From : Molly Ni <molly.ni@mdpi.com>
To : <kuslee@pusan.ac.kr>
Cc : "Bioengineering Editorial Office" <bioengineering@mdpi.com>
Sent : 2024-10-10 22:47:01
Subject : [Bioengineering] (IF: 3.8, ISSN 2306-5354) 
Thanks for Your Support as Reviewer

Dear Dr. Lee,

Thank you very much for dedicating your time to review manuscripts for
MDPI. We would like to extend an invitation for you to contribute a
paper to our journal, Bioengineering
(http://www.mdpi.com/journal/bioengineering). This open access journal
is in MDPI and is indexed in Scopus (Citescore 4.0), SCIE (Impact Factor
3.8), PubMed, PMC, and several other databases. Manuscripts will be peer
reviewed, and authors receive a first decision approximately 16 days
after submission.

We would be honored to have your contribution. Could you please let us
know if you are interested? For your convenience, you can reply directly
with one of the following options:

a) Yes, we would like to submit a paper before 30 November 2024;
b) Yes, though we would need more time;
c) No, we currently have no papers to submit/are otherwise engaged and
unable to dedicate time to this.

If you require other assistance or APC support, please feel free to let
us know. A discount of up to 20% of Bioengineering is open for
application. We are happy to answer any questions and look forward to
hearing from you.

Ms. Molly Ni
Assistant Editor

MDPI (Wuhan)
No. 688, Jinghan Avenue, Floor 54,
Wuhan Hang Lung Plaza Office Tower, Hubei Province, 430030 Wuhan, China

Open for Abstract Submissions (FREE to attend):
The 1st International Online Conference on Bioengineering
Submit your abstract by 17th June 2024
MDPI Bioengineering Lectureship 2024 Award application is open!

Top Cited Paper (fully free access and download):
3D Bioprinting of Novel κ-Carrageenan Bioinks: An Algae-Derived
Single-Cell Protein Production as a Strategy to Reincorporate Food Waste
and Agro By-Products Back into the Processing Chain

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