(연구실적)자궁선근증이 동반된 난임여성에서 성선자극호르몬 억제제 투여 방법에 따른 냉동배아 이식의 임신결과에 관한 논문 심사 공로로 이 규섭 원장에게 발송된 Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 측의 감사 서한 > 보도자료연구실적

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(연구실적)자궁선근증이 동반된 난임여성에서 성선자극호르몬 억제제 투여 방법에 따른 냉동배아 이식의 임신결과에 관한 논문 심사 공로로 이 규섭 원장에게 발송된 Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 측의 감사 서한

페이지 정보

작성자 센텀이룸 작성일24-07-10 09:27 조회208회 댓글0건


   이 규섭 원장(부산대 산부인과 명예교수)은 생식내분비 학술지인 Contraception and Reproductive Medicine에서 심사요청된 

자궁선근증이 동반된 난임여성에서 성선자극호르몬 억제제 투여 방법에 따른  냉동배아 이식의 임신결과에  관한 논문을 평가한

공로로  Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 로 부터 감사서한을 최근에 받은 바 있다.

    이 규섭 원장은 지난 35년간 부산대병원 난임센터장으로 재직하였으며주 연구분야는 체외수정시술조기폐경 및 고령 여성의 

임신율 증진자궁내막증 및 자궁선근증 이다.


  아래는 Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 에서 이 규섭 원장에게 발송한 서신이다.

----- Original Message -----
From : Contraception and Reproductive Medicine <do-not-reply@springernature.com>
To : <kuslee@pusan.ac.kr>
Cc :
Sent : 2024-07-08 22:12:57
Subject : Contraception and Reproductive Medicine: Decision on "Comparison of ultra-long gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist versus standard 

downregulation in women with adenomyosis undergoing frozen thawed embryo transfer: A randomized clinical trial"

Dear Dr Lee,

Thank you for your help with the manuscript, "Comparison of ultra-long gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist versus standard downregulation in women with adenomyosis 

undergoing frozen thawed embryo transfer: A randomized clinical trial", which you recently reviewed for Contraception and Reproductive Medicine.

For your records, the decision on this manuscript, based partly on your input, was: Revise. Any comments to authors have been appended below.

We greatly appreciate your assistance and participation in the review process for Contraception and Reproductive Medicine and hope that we can continue to benefit from your 

expertise on future submissions.

You can keep track of your reviewer work on the new Reviewer dashboard associated with your Springer Nature account.

Kind regards,
Editorial Assistant
Contraception and Reproductive Medicine

Reviewer 1

• https://reviewer-feedback.springernature.com/download/attachment/ebd903f5-de97-4191-acdb-44910811c6f5

Reviewer 2
This conclusions of the article would be strengthened if cleavage stage and blastocyst transfers would be analyzed separately.

Reviewer 3
Authors examined whether standard downregulation in women with adenomyosis undergoing frozen thawed ET could be superior to ultralong GnRH agonist in women with 

adenomyosis undergoing frozen thawed ET. Their results shows that downregulation of standard GnRH agonists before FET may be the preferred embryo transfer protocol in 

women with adenomyosis. This RCT is very interesting considering the efficacy of standard downregulation in women with adenomyosis undergoing frozen thawed ET.
However, this study has a critical concern in concluding this result.

1. The number of embryos transferred were not similar in both groups.
Therefore, the pregnancy rate was higher in standard downregulation than ultralong GnRH agonist group. Another concern is that chemical pregnancy rate was slight higher in 

ultralong GnRH agonist than GnRH agonist group. A rationale for this issue is required.
2. A larger number of samples will be required to ensure the efficacy of standard downregulation in women with adenomyosis undergoing frozen thawed ET. Samples collected 

from a cohort of 72 women seem insufficient to conclude this result. 


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