이 규섭 원장 " Frontiers in Endocrinology " 학회지 부편집인으로 지명 > 보도자료연구실적

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이 규섭 원장 " Frontiers in Endocrinology " 학회지 부편집인으로 지명

페이지 정보

작성자 센텀이룸 작성일23-08-07 10:15 조회510회 댓글0건



    본원 이 규섭 원장(부산대 산부인과 명예교수)은 보조생식에 관한 다수의 생식내분비 관련 

  논문 발표 및 심사에 관한 공로를 인정 받아   " Frontiers in Endocrinology "  학회지로 부터

  부편집인으로 지명하겠다는 통보를 최근에 받은 바 있다.  


     이 규섭 원장은 지난 35년간 부산대병원 난임센터장으로 재직하였으며주 연구분야는 체외수정시술

   조기폐경 및 고령 여성의 임신율 증진자궁내막증 및 자궁선근증 이다.


     아래는 Frontiers in Endocrinology  측에서 이 규섭 원장에게 발송한 서신이다.


----- Original Message -----
From : Frontiers in Endocrinology editors <endocrinology.editors@frontiersin.org>
To : "이규섭" <kuslee@pusan.ac.kr>
Cc :
Sent : 2023-08-03 18:29:36
Subject : Re: [RE]Frontiers in Endocrinology: join our editorial board


Dear Dr.  Lee,

Thank you for your positive response.  We are pleased to welcome you on board as an Associate Editor to the journal's specialty section Reproduction.

As Associate Editor you would be involved in following activities:

  1. Overseeing the peer review for new research related to your interests, typically 5 papers per year (depending on your availability).

  2. Helping the journal expand the Editorial Board, inviting 10-15 esteemed colleagues to join the Board as Review Editors, during your first month as Associate Editor

  3. You will be encouraged to suggest and co-edit a Research Topic (RT), a thematic collection of articles, on a research area that interests you, in collaboration with other Editors and authors. Editors who work on a RT focus only on that project for its duration. More information regarding Research Topics can be found here.

As the role is under a voluntary basis, there is a degree of flexibility. You can set the pace of your collaboration by accepting or declining manuscripts. As for activities 2 and 3, numbers and timing are not set in stone.

I am also attaching a link where you can find more detailed information about the Associate Editor role

I have now sent you an official invitation  - you should receive this in your inbox within the next few hours, it will come from the journal's email address. Once you accept this invite (via a link included), our journal team will proceed to acquaint you with the role. Alternatively, you can login to your My Frontiers account to finalise this process.

Finally, I have attached an AE welcome pack which you may read in your own time. If you have any further questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We very much look forward to collaborating with you.


Warm regards,


Ana McGinley

Editor Outreach Specialist

on behalf of 

Roberto Ricciardi
Head of Editor Outreach Team

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