이 규섭 원장(부산대 명예교수) : 아시아 - 태평양 생식내분비의학회(ASPIRE)의 감사장 수상 > 보도자료연구실적

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이 규섭 원장(부산대 명예교수) : 아시아 - 태평양 생식내분비의학회(ASPIRE)의 감사장 수상

페이지 정보

작성자 센텀이룸 작성일22-05-10 09:07 조회546회 댓글0건


  아시아 - 태평양 생식내분비의학회(ASPIRE)의 한국대표인 본원 이 규섭 원장(부산대 명예교수)은


 제 11회  ASPIRE  학술대회의  줄기세포 심포지움에서 좌장으로  학술대회에 기여한 공로로  

  학회로 부터 감사장을  수상하였다.  아래는 학회에서 발송한  공문과  감사장이다.


----- Original Message -----
From : Hoa Jing Qi (ASPIRE) <jqhoa@aspire-reproduction.org>
To : <kuslee@pusan.ac.kr>
Cc :
Sent : 2022-05-06 13:36:24
Subject : ASPIRE 2022 - Thank you


Dear Professor Lee,


On behalf of the ASPIRE Executive Board, we would like to send our sincerest gratitude to you for your contribution to the 11th Virtual Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2022) as an Invited Session Chair. The congress has been a great success and it would not have been so without the contribution from you.  


We would like to present the attached Certificate of Appreciation to you for your valuable contribution to the Congress.


Despite ASPIRE 2022 being a virtual congress, we are happy to have 1528 attendees from 49 countries participate in the meeting. We have received very positive feedback on the scientific programme and the profile of our invited faculty.


We would very much appreciate your feedback as well and will be grateful if you can spare some time to complete the overall congress feedback form through this link.


Lastly, lectures* presented at the Congress will continue to be available to all participants on-demand on the Virtual Congress Platform (OnAIR) until 28 April 2023 and the Virtual Exhibition until 1 May 2023. If you would like to revisit or watch any lectures, feel free to login to the platform by clicking your direct access link here. (On-demand will start on Mon, 9 May).

*Only lectures that have been consented for publication are available on-demand.


It has been a great pleasure working with you and we look forward to your continued support to ASPIRE.


The 12th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2023) will be held in Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia from 7 – 10 September 2023. This will be ASPIRE’s first in-person congress since 2019. ASPIRE 2023 congress theme is Welcome Back to Our Future and we hope to see you in Adelaide, Australia!


With Best Wishes and Warmest Regards


Yours Sincerely

Professor Tin-Chiu Li


Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE)



Warm Regards,
(Ms) Hoa Jing Qi
Association Manager
Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction


E: jqhoa@aspire-reproduction.org







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