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시험관시술 관련 논문 심사 공로로 이 규섭 원장에게 발송된 Frontiers in Endocrinology 측의 감사 서한

페이지 정보

작성자 센텀이룸 작성일23-02-21 13:32 조회442회 댓글0건


본원 이 규섭 원장(부산대 산부인과 명예교수)은 난임관련 생식내분비 학술지인 Frontiers in Endocrinology 에서 

심사요청된 논문을 평가한 공로로  Frontiers in Endocrinology  로 부터  감사서한을 최근에 받은 바 있다.  


  이 규섭 원장은 지난 35년간 부산대병원 난임센터장으로 재직하였으며주 연구분야는 체외수정시술조기폐경 및 

 고령 여성의 임신율 증진자궁내막증 및 자궁선근증 이다.


     아래는 Frontiers in Endocrinology  에서 이 규섭 원장에게 발송한 서신이다.

----- Original Message -----
From : Frontiers in Endocrinology Editorial Office <endocrinology.editorial.office@frontiersin.org>
To : <kuslee@pusan.ac.kr>
Cc :
Sent : 2023-02-21 10:16:00
Subject : Thank you for finalizing your Independent Review Report - 1148411

Dear Dr Lee,

Thank you for submitting your independent review report for the manuscript "The storage time of vitrified embryos does not affect pregnancy outcomes and neonatal outcomes after frozen-thawed embryo transfer". As you endorsed publication of this manuscript in its current form, your peer review process is now finalized. The handling editor has been notified, and you can find a copy of your report below.

You can access the manuscript here:

Best regards,
Your Frontiers in Endocrinology Team,

Frontiers | Editorial Office - Collaborative Peer Review Team
Avenue du Tribunal Fédéral 34
1005 Lausanne Switzerland

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-----------MANUSCRIPT DETAILS-----------
Manuscript title: The storage time of vitrified embryos does not affect pregnancy outcomes and neonatal outcomes after frozen-thawed embryo transfer
Manuscript ID: 1148411
Authors: Xuelan Li, Pingping Guo, Christophe Blockeel, Xinning Li, Ling Deng, Min Lin, Jie Yang, Chujun Li, Haocun Wu, Guifeng Cai, Yunzhao Hu and Xin Chen
Journal: Frontiers in Endocrinology, section Reproduction
Article type: Original Research
Submitted on: 20 Jan 2023
Edited by: Eleonora Porcu


Frontiers Review Guidelines

To ensure an efficient review process, please familiarize yourself with the Frontiers review guidelines. The Frontiers review process has unique features, including an interactive review stage, and a focus on objective criteria.

------------------- Independent Review Report, Reviewer: Kyu Lee
Please list your revision requests for the authors and provide your detailed comments, including highlighting limitations and strengths of the study and evaluating the validity of the methods, results, and data interpretation. If you have additional comments based on Q2 and Q3 you can add them as well.
1. Need professional English editing
2. In title of this article, the storage time is incorrected or not suitable expression. I think that the storage duration or
cryoprotecting duration is suitable for this article.
3. In procedures, there is no detailed description of vitrification methods & thawing protocols of day 3 embryos &
blastocyst. These methods should be added in this article for getting scientific power.
4. Also, How about assisted hatching ? this is necessary procedure for FET.
5. In Table, there is necessary for redistribution of storage time groups. I think that statistical significance would be problematic because of different No. of cycles each groups.

Check List
a. Is the quality of the figures and tables satisfactory?
b. Does the reference list cover the relevant literature adequately and in an unbiased manner?
c. Are the statistical methods valid and correctly applied? (e.g. sample size, choice of test)
d. Is a statistician required to evaluate this study?
e. Are the methods sufficiently documented to allow replication studies?
Quality of the writing
Overall quality of the content
Interest to a general audience


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